Turf Management
Easy to follow Do-It-Yourself guide to achieving a beautiful lawn and maintaining it throughout the year.
Late Winter - Early Spring
Over seed areas that are light and thin if you did not do any overseeding the previous fall. (We do provide several specialty blends of grass seed designed to thrive in this area.)
Core aerate your lawn once the grass starts greening up.
Soil should be soft and will allow for deep plugging to occur. (You can also do this in the early fall if ground is soft enough to allow for it.)
Late March - Early April
13-0-5 with Dimension granular application: This is your pre-emergent crabgrass treatment and first shot of fertilizer for the year. Need to get it down prior to ground temperature being 55 degrees for 3 straight days at 2 inches deep. This product needs watered in to be properly effective. Apply 200 lbs. per acre.
Other options for pre-emergent crabgrass treatment are to use Prodiamine or Dithiopyr-L if using a spraying system. Can be more cost effective for larger acreages or those not wanting to do an early spring fertilizer.
NOTE: Do not plan to overseed in the spring if using pre-emergent crabgrass. Target overseeding for the fall.
May - June
Several options depending on your needs this time of year.
25-0-3 50% Slow Release with 2% Iron: Slow release fertilizer that gives you a long feed and the additional iron gives your grass a darker, richer green. Apply 175-200 lbs. per acre.
Plus 3-Way Lawn Weed Killer (Quart & Gallon) or 3-D (2.5 Gallon) to control early season broadleaf weeds such as dandelions and clover. Apply 3-4 pints per acre, needs mixed in a tank sprayer as a solution or used with an end-of-hose sprayer.
19-0-2 with Trimec: Fantastic option for those that don’t have the ability to spray their yard for those early spring broadleaf weeds. Must be applied to wet grass/leaves so the herbicide can stick to desired plants seeking to control.
Provico also offers many other herbicides with different active ingredients to target specific hard-to-kill weeds.
Mid-Late June
15-0-4 with Merit with Fortify-N: A mid-summer fertilization and grub control. Grubs can wreak havoc on the root system of your turf as the season progresses so this is a critical step to ensure your turf stays in top shape heading into the late season. This product will also give you the benefits of controlling fleas and ticks as well. Needs watered in. Apply 200 lbs. per acre.
BONUS: This product will also gives the benefits of controlling fleas and ticks as well.
September - Early October
25-0-3 50% Slow Release with 2% Iron: Early fall is a good time to get a quality high nitrogen slow release on your lawn to help your turf recover from the summer stress. Apply 200 lbs. per acre.
3-Way Lawn Weed Killer (Quart & Gallon) or 3-D (2.5 Gallon) to control late-season broadleaf weeds such as dandelions and clover, among others. Apply 3-4 pints per acre, needs mixed in a tank sprayer as a solution or used with an end-of-hose sprayer.
Fall is the best time to spray for broadleaves as you can spray the widest array of weeds that have germinated through the summer. As we head into fall, the weeds are more readily taking up nutrients to store in their roots, thus you get a really effective control.
TIP: If planning to do a fall treatment but you are still wanting to take care of those early season dandelions, we recommend doing a lighter treatment (2-3 pints per acre) then come back with a heavier application in the fall. This will allow you to stay under the maximum rate of product per acre for the year.
BONUS TIP: This is also a good time to do over-seeding, dethatching and core aeration. There is still good growing time left to allow new grass to germinate but not have to contend with the new growth of grass and weeds as much as you do in early spring. Fall is also a better time to overseed if you do pre-emergent crabgrass control since those products will have adverse effects on seed that has yet to germinate. Similar to the thought process of over-seeding, this is a good time to core aerate and de-thatch (if thatch is thicker than 3/4”) your yard because it will have time to heal going into winter.
NOTE: Plan to overseed in the fall if pre-emergent crabgrass control was used in the spring.
Late November - Early December
33-0-0 12% Sulfer: One of, if not the most important feeding of the year. The grass is still a living plant that takes up nutrients through the winter. Instead of utilizing the nitrogen for foliage growth, it will use it for deepening and strengthening root mass. Your grass will be much greener, earlier coming out of winter. Apply 150-200 lbs. per acre.
Driveways, Fencerows and Brush Control Solutions
We provide a wide array of non-selective herbicides for control of weeds in driveways, sidewalks, fencerows or flowerbeds.
Eraser: glyphosate concentrated product that is nonselective. Great for spot spraying weeds in flower beds or crevices. Eraser is also excellent for broadcast applications to create bare-ground ahead of a new seeding.
Eraser MAX: Bare-ground spray with extended control. Contains glyphosate for quick kill and imazapyr for extended control of weeds where you spray it. Perfect for driveways, fencerows, parking lots, etc. One of our biggest sellers for a reason!
Triclopyr 4: Heavy duty broadleaf control. Great for hard to kill weeds and woody vinces/saplings in fencerows or in and along woods. Also is a great broadleaf weed control spray for grass pastures.
Proflex: This product (as well as Mosquito Pro RTS) is a long-acting insecticide that not only kills a wide variety of insects (especially mosquitoes), but it also breaks the life cycle of eggs and larvae. This product offers up to several months of control. Apply every 21-28 days for continued control in outdoor living spaces. The best product on the market for mosquito control! Safe for kids and pets once dry.
Bifen I/T Liquid and L/P granular: Great line of products for lawn and flower bed use for the control of a wide range of common insects. Granular option is great for lasting control in yards or if spraying isn’t an option. Safe for pets and kids once dry.
Taurus: Extended control termiticide and wide range insecticide that’s especially effective for ant control. Great for carpenter bees as well. Can be used as a perimeter spray/drench around your home or broadcast sprayed.
Viper: Fantastic, economical indoor/outdoor formula that is safe for use in homes to kill a broad spectrum of pests with a 90-day residual.
Cyzmic CS: Another great option for home and indoor use with little to no odor. Long residual and will provide effective control on a wide range of insects including bedbugs. This product is very popular with professionals!
Provico also offers several ready-to-use options for insects in and out of your home!