Crystal Blue

Crystal Blue

from $10.79

Item #: 7-111 (Gallon)
Item #: 7-131 (Toss Pack)

Clears up muddy ponds. 100% safe for humans, fish, livestock, pets, birds, swimming, potable water and irrigation. Maintain color and clarity for up to 30 days. Helps settle out dissolved solids. 1 gallon treats 1 surface acre, 4 - 6 feet deep.

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Clears up muddy ponds. 100% safe for humans, fish, livestock, pets, birds, swimming, potable water and irrigation. Maintain color and clarity for up to 30 days. Helps settle out dissolved solids. 1 gallon treats 1 surface acre, 4 - 6 feet deep.

Case Pricing Available per request.